3 Dec 2016

..and finally lower left part of the pillar and the side panel.

It's been a while since last update. We have had some snow which already melted away and I'm still working outside. The progress is slow as I've been working with various other things and repairing in freezing temp isn't too comfortable.

Here, repairing the sill panel part.

Small section to the passenger legroom space and a thicker patch in front of it.


And then rest of the side panel and the pillar.

I also had the hood blasted with soda. Sand was used in rusted spots. Only some minor spots were rusted through at the front edge.

I guess I'm putting the car in storage for a while soon. I have some other things I'm looking forward at the moment.

27 Oct 2016

Finishing the upper part

It's about time to post some photos. I've continued with the car when I've had time.

Patches here were easy to do. The upper part of the pillar is now quite good. 

I continued to the lower section of the pillar and side plate. This side is much better than the other was but there is rust to repair.

I also tried rust removal from parts by bathing them in citric acid. These parts were only lightly cleaned beforehand. Here the parts are just after the acid bath. Note painted areas are not effected.

Are we having a GT-specific spring clip plates here? (No, they aren't specific to GT and common in various models)

Christmas came early this year. We're having the first snowflakes too. The rear arch repair panels I ordered few months ago arrived today. Made by Kustom Garage and the quality looks and feels really good.

11 Oct 2016

More pillar work

Continued with the left side pillar. Patched the top of the pillar and repaired the upper door hinge mounting area.
 Fitting the next patch on the top of the pillar.
Same patch welded and grinded.
Next patch to the door hinge mounting area.
 Just welded..

7 Oct 2016

Cowl and pillar again

Some welding and grinding during last nights. Again, photos tells it all.

5 Oct 2016

Cowl and pillar continued

Slow progress again. Fitted one of the new patches and welded it
Bits and pieces

Fitting the patch

Welded in place

Welded. Could be worse.

Cowl and pillar

Some photos again. I continued with the cowl area, removed the left door and examined the hinge pillar. This side is somewhat more solid than the other.

I already cut and bent the patches for these but they need more fitting. Btw. the temp was 5°C and freezing wind out there.

25 Sept 2016

Left side of the cowl

Again some progress. Small patches one by one. Photos tells it all.

At this point it was clear that the upper part of the side panel needed to be fixed before continuing.


17 Sept 2016

To the left side

Most of the work at the driver's side is complete for a while.

The left side is also badly rusted. Here I have already cut the rusted section off and fitting a patch.
After some cutting, grinding and bending the result looked like this. Notice the fallen birch leafs on the ground. The autumn is coming.
 And managed to weld it in place until dark came.
Meanwhile the rest of the already dismantled suspension parts are being beaded. I'm going to put the body back to rolling state. Have to move it to shelter or garage before the winter hits in.

24 Aug 2016

The front edge

Again slow progress. The leading edge of the cowl is getting patched. Opening the area and making the actual patches are easier here but grinding the seams is more time consuming.

The weather have been good last few days. I'm still working outside as you may notice.
All of the old paint and body compound just can't be removed from all sides of connecting sheets. The smell is awful even if there's a tiny amount of something left when welding. Luckily the working area is ventilated, the downside is that not much wind is needed to blow off the welding inert gas.
And soon this edge is all done.
After that final patch it's time to move to the passenger side of the car.